Nature News

Number of sunny days this week: 5
Number of cloudy days this week: 3
Number of rainy days this week: 1
Number of snowy days this week: 0
Number of windy days this week: 1
What is the air temperature right now in Fahrenheit?: 80
How was the weather this week?:

It was very hot and sunny every day and the heat was usually dry. There were some parts throughout the day where it was very windy and, one day, it started sprinkling.

What animals did I see this week? :

I saw one rooster, a good amount of stray dogs, two cats and a lizard on the grass in front of one of the temples we visited. We were advised to not mess with the lizard, because it could be dangerous.

What was the coolest thing I saw in nature this week?:

I did not get to explore anything in nature this week, as I was in the city all week. Seeing the elephants recently was the coolest thing.

Other Nature News from this week:

See my Elephant Homestay Field Note for lots more about hanging out with elephants!