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What main languages are spoken here?:

The main language spoken in Spain is - you guessed it - Spanish! More specifically, it's Castellano, which is the Spanish language that is taught in U.S. schools. It's important to distinguish this because there are other languages native to the land that Spain covers today. For example, there are languages like Euskera (from País Vasco in the North) or Catalan (from Catalonia in the Northeast). These areas are independent (or fighting for independence) from Spain, and their different languages and cultural traditions are just one of the reasons why.

What type of money is used here?:

Spain uses the euro, like other countries in the European Union. I like the euro because the paper money is much more colorful than U.S. dollars, and it's convenient to have coins that are worth one and two euros. 

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

Water is relatively cheap. You can buy three or four bottles of water for one euro. It's safe to drink the water from the tap in Madrid, so I'm thankful that I can use a reusable water bottle and bring it with me wherever I go!

What was the best meal this week?:

Though it wasn't the healthiestthe best meal that I had this week was churros con chocolate (churros with chocolate) for breakfast!
