Our News

I will be excited to watch the games on TV and cheer for the Paraguayan team as well as for the American team. Sports are a wonderful way to connect people from around the world. I really enjoy finding sports facilities and teams whenever I travel. It is fun to praticipate in local athletic events such as running and cycling. Sports is a great way to meet new people who have a shared interest.

Other news from this week:

I just met a very nice family who is visiting Paraguay for a few weeks. The family is originally from a rural part of Paraguay, but they moved to Canada about 25 years ago. However, the parents have relatives who are from Russia! Their families used to farm, and they grew many agricultural products in the countryside. One of the amazing things about Paraguay is that there are many people with different backgrounds. There are large groups of people who have relatives from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Germany. Even though the country is very small, with only seven million citizens, there are still many different nationalities represented. This has made the country very diverse. I really enjoy meeting people and asking about their family's history to learn where they are originally from!
