Interview with Birgit

What do you like to do in your free time?:

"In our free time, we [the whole family] like to go biking or hiking in the Black Forest. To reach the forest, though, is an all-day event because we have to ride the train to our destination. Of course, at the house there are other activities. In the evenings we are usually watching Netflix or Hulu, or playing board games. On some weekends our friends visit and we play cards or discuss books we have recently read. We really like to exchange books."

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

"Frank and I both speak three languages: German, French and English. As a requirement in the German school system, we were taught one foreign language from primary school until secondary school. Hannes, who is in his fourth year at school [8 years old], is already learning English."

"My favorite way to say hello in German is Grüß Gott!"

Do you have pets?:

"We have a cat, whose name is Franz. He is very fat and is always trying to run out of the house."

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

"In my childhood my family did not travel often. Sometimes we would visit France. I lived in the north of Germany, near Berlin, and so did Frank. Even after marriage, I spent most my life in Germany. It is a very beautiful country and I have always loved it.

"The southern part of Germany is my favorite. We also love skiiing in the Swiss Alps. That is one of the reasons why Frank and I moved here to start our family."
