I went to Disneyland and Universal Studios, I travelled to L.A., N.Y., Chicago and Seattle in the U.S., got accepted into a good school and received scholarships, I found the right major after switching three times, I discovered that I love learning languages and am now conversational in some of my target languages, met my now closest friends and my current boyfriend of four years, and got hired by a company with which I really want to start my career. Now here I am in Boracay, enjoying different water activities such as para-sailing, sailing, island hopping and snorkeling, whereas in the past, I never thought I would able to afford to come here. You might think that I have an easy life, but act ually,I had my own fair share of pain and heartbreaks in those years as well. I was forced to leave my life in the Philippines, went through painful breakups, had to stop school to work and make money, and I remember there were just a lot of times when I felt at a standstill, as if I didn’t know where my life was going and that nothing was going my way.
As I am nearing the end of my twenties and you are just approaching yours, you will find that your twenties are for experiencing life and discovering who you are becoming outside of your peer group. Go travel to new places, change your major if you want, go meet new people, try new hobbies and volunteer your free time. By all means, study abroad, too! But despite the fun that you will have, take care to make good choices that bring your life value. Even when things get tough, don’t give up. Remember that nothing lasts forever, so spend time with the people that you love, make the most of happy moments and hang in there during the difficult ones.