Getting Around in Bilbao

While in Bilbao, I heard both the Spanish and Basque languages which I don't usually hear in Los Angeles!

In Los Angeles, I usually bike around; it’s a lot quicker than walking. In owning my own bike back home, it costs money to maintain it. I also can't easily take in my surroundings while concentrating on biking. Biking gives me an adrenaline rush, but it sometimes makes me feel like I’m running out of time and that I need to rush from place to place.


Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Bilbao has a variety of ways to get around and at different price points. Generally, transportation is cheap and accessible which represents how flexible and well-planned the city and its citizens are. It also reflects how environmentally conscious they are here because using public transportation, walking or biking cuts down on carbon emissions.

Bilbao Spain
