Different Perspectives in Poland

In Poland, you can get a public college education for free, if you are a Polish citizen. As long as you have the grades to attend university, everyone is able to go, something Polish people love as a means to better their life. After staying here for two months, this perspective on having a free education is something that I wish more U.S. citizens would embrace. Students actually feel like they can work hard and achieve any goal they set their mind to, which is not always what I see in the U.S., as my friends have large amounts of debt and have to forego higher degrees in order to pay off student loans.

These different perspectives shape how we interact in an education setting. While I am learning to navigate Polish schools better, it has definitely been an adjustment. These adjustments are necessary to keep in mind when living in another country with a whole new culture. I have enjoyed learning about these new ways of thinking and expanding my ideas on certain topics, like college affordability.
