Finding Nature in London


I have explored the parks and gardens of London, where I've found animals nestled between plants and human-made structures. I've seen flowers in full blossom, animals roaming and the smell of dirt in the air despite the chilly wind and cold rain.There is nature all around the city, and you just have to look for it! I found these plants and animals at Key Gardens located in Richmond, a suburban town in southwest London. 

What does this creature or plant look like?:

This creature is blue, green, yellow, red, brown and black. It sounds more like a rainbow than an animal. This creature walks on two feet, can fly and has feathers. Can you guess what it is? If you said "peacock," you are right!

How did I feel when I saw it?:

When I saw this peacock, I got super excited. It remind me of the Michigan lakes and forests back home because of its colors. It also reminded me of a friend that has peacocks as pets. They look fluffy and hugable, but they can actually be aggressive, so I kept my distance. 

Where does it live?:

The peacocks I saw live within the boundary of the garden. They roam freely and can do as they please. In the wild these creatures tend to live near forests and streams so they can have easy access to water and a shady place to stay cool.
