Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

From Bengaluru to Puducherry and back again: 314 miles.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

If we do not include smaller trips in the city, then I have traveled...

From the U.S. to India: 9159 miles

From Bengaluru to Kodachadri and back again: 446 miles

From Bengaluru to Puducherry and back again: 314 miles

Total: 9,919 miles

How did I get around this week?:

Let's count all the different ways I got around this week:

1. I walked to and from school.

2. I traveled to Puducherry on a bus.

3. In Puducherry, I took a boat ride to get to the beach.

4. I rode on a rickshaw. Rickshaws are three-passenger vehicles that are a common sight in cities in India. I took a few pictures so that you can see what a rickshaw looks like!

5. I also took a car ride with friends from my study abroad program.

There are so many different transportation options for getting around India! 

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

Definitely Puducherry! Bengaluru can get a little noisy sometimes, so it was refreshing to spend some time in a less populated city for a few days and visit the beach. 

Other Travel News from this week:

Later in October, I will get a one week break from my classes.
