How the Environment Plays a Role in Life Here

This access to the ocean is important, and it attracts many large boats from Arabic countries, as seen in the picture.

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

The major challenges that people face in Barcelona are the traffic and the air quality. Because so many people smoke cigarettes, the quality of the air that we breathe here is not as clean as the air in a place like Vermont. In Vermont, there are a lot of trees that create fresh oxygen for us to breathe, and there is much less pollution. Also, because Barcelona is a busy city, people are always coming and going. This creates a lot of traffic for people, which can be frusturating.

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

In order to adapt to this city environment, people have constructed tall buildings rather than short buildings. That means that people live in smaller spaces, like the apartment that I live in. In addition, to combat the pollution in the air, pepole choose cleaner ways to travel, such as using a bike, public transportation or walking to avoid emissions that come from cars.

Barcelona, Spain.
