Integrating into Cergy, France

I remained calm because situations such as this happen all the time, but I started to panic when I realized I may have to explain my situation in French to the airliner responsible for my suitcase. I started talking to a gentleman in charge of lost suitcases for Air France- my airliner. I believe my explanation in French that my luggage was lost, worked because he responded to me talking really fast. I realize I had a big problem: I couldn't translate his responses fast enough! After a slightly awkward ten second pause, I asked him if he spoke English. He smiled and said, "yes!" 

I felt bad knowing I wasn't proficient in the language yet, but I have five months here to do so! I won't give up!

After the airport experience with my lost luggage, I met up with the other American exchange students, and we seem to have similar stories of huge language barriers, even if we knew a little French. We often travel together as a group to increase our French vocabulary by sight-seeing. We also practice asking for directions, ordering food, and having small conversations all in French. 

I believe we are getting better, and, with repetition and having fun experiences within the country, we should improve! I can't wait to hear me speak French after my five-month stay here!



