The Importance of Sharing and Greetings

So now, when I buy things, I know that I am going to share them (and I do so happily!), just like how everyone shares with me.

Another thing that I was not accustomed to here was the importance of greetings in communication. For example, for me, it is normal to just text my friends "Want to go to dinner tonight?" or "Do you remember what our homework was?" But here, this is seen as a bit impolite. Every time you see someone you know, or text or call someone, it's common to first say "Hi/good morning/good afternoon, how are you?" "What have you been up to?" "How has it been going?" and listen to their responses first, instead of just saying "How are you?" and continuing with your own request. 

Since coming to Bucaramanga, I have learned a lot about caring for others and how to sincerely express that. Whether it be through sharing or greetings, I am so grateful to feel the warmth of Colombians while living here!
