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What main languages are spoken here?:

Spanish is the main language that is spoken all throughout Spain. I have been practicing my Spanish a lot while I have been here. There are several different accents within Spain in different regions, too. For example, a Spaniard (a person from Spain) who is from the South of Spain might say a word differently than a Spaniard from the North of Spain.

However, many young people can also speak English. This is because they learn English as a second language in school starting when they are in pre-school.

What type of money is used here?:

In Spain, they use the Euro. It is a lot different from the Dollars that we use in the United States. For example, a one Dollar bill in the U.S. is a paper bill. Here, the one Euro is a coin! They also have a two Euro coin, too! 

How much does a bottle of water cost?:

A bottle of water typically costs 1-2 euros, depending on the size. It is comparable to the cost of a water bottle in the United States. However, in Spain, and in many other European countries, you have to pay for water at restaurants. It is much different when compared to the United States where waiters and waitresses bring everyone at the table water right away for free.
