Transportation in Lusaka is very similar to transportation in the United States, specifically in the smaller states and cities. Lusaka has a public transportation system, but it is small and not super reliable. Most people here drive cars. I did not purchase a car when I came to Lusaka because I did not want to drive here. That was mostly due to the different driving conditions they have. They drive on the left side of the road with the steering wheel on the right, which is opposite from America. Stopping at stop signs is optional, and most drivers do not stop. People do not always stop at red lights either! Basically, the rules are made by whoever is driving. That seemed dangerous to me, so I decided to not get a car. Overall, my transportation experience here has been pretty decent. I have been able to navigate the city and go where I want using a driving service.
Most people in Lusaka get around by car. I use one of two driving companies called Yango or Ulendo. It is the equivalent to Uber or Lyft in America. These cars are pretty reliable and can normally get you to your destination. Sometimes, I will see people walking. People mostly walk when they stay close to their next destination. For example, students who attend school at Evelyn Hone walk because their homes are close to campus. Another way of getting around is by bus.