Au Revoir (Farewell)

Maybe it will be in France or in another country, or even in a different state in the USA. Travel is challenging and empowering. It also offers new perspectives on the world and respect for people and cultures different than yours. I can tell you now to look for opportunities that make it possible to travel, like through college study-abroad programs, independent travel programs or by making your own plans. But the best thing to do while you’re still kids is to keep your travel dreams alive. Keep exploring; it just may change your life.

Some things I have learned that will come in handy when you travel:

  • Approach new situations with an open mind. For example, be willing to try new foods. Food is a big part of culture!
  • Speak the local language. It sounds obvious, but sometimes it is easy to stick with English. Speaking the local language, even just a little, will go a long way towards showing the locals that you care about their culture. Even if you’re still learning, they’ll appreciate that you are making an effort.
  • Push yourself to meet locals, even if it is easier to hang out with other Americans (and especially if you are learning the local language!).
  • Don’t feel too bad about making mistakes! You will make a lot of mistakes in the beginning, but you will also learn from them and improve. I got lost many times in the Paris Métro before I finally figured out how to read the signs correctly.
  • Be a traveler, not just a vacation tourist. A true traveler respects the people and places they visit, while tourists are mainly there for the fun. A good way to respect a place is to do some research beforehand about the country you are visiting.