Daily Life


My host dad works at the school as a maintenance employee, so he has to get there at 7 am, but the day does not actually start until 9 am. I usually call my family or work on homework I need to get done during those morning hours. Then, we have a 90 minute class. Next, we have a half hour break for morning tea. On Fridays, teachers and students get served sausage rolls during morning tea. Then, we have another class, lunch, and then a final class. Finally, I ride home with my host dad, and I immediately help my host mom with cooking. 

What is your full name?:

Madison Renae Koenig 

Where do you live? What is your house like?:

We live about 45 minutes away from the school and the houses here are similar to those you would see in California. The houses are quite modern, and they are very pretty. My host family lives in a neighborhood where all the houses are similar. The family is pretty minimalistic when it comes to their house because they do not have many decorations or furniture, but living in New Zealand is expensive, so decorations are quite expensive. The house reminds me of an apartment because it has a small kitchen/living space/rooms, but it is functional and cozy. 

What is your family like?:

My family is extremely nice and hospitable. They always want to make sure I have enough food and I am comfortable.
