Getting Around in Kenya


I have used many different modes of transport in Kenya. I mostly drive a research vehicle around, and when I do, it's always on the left side of the road. Most people here just walk if it is a short distance, and because many don't own cars, they hire vehicles to take them where they want to go. There are always lots of big buses, but there are also small buses that are painted bright colors (called matatus). You can also hire a motorcycle or a tuk-tuk (see photo) to take you around town.

When we host volunteers, we use safari vehicles that have a pop-up top so they can stand up and easily see any wildlife we come across. The most exciting mode of transportation I've used here has been gyrocopter! Sometimes we go up in a gyrocopter to conduct wildlife surveys or watch for poachers from the air.

How do people get around?:

People in Kenya drive cars, take buses, or hire tuk-tuks. Many people walk, but they can also take what is called a boda-boda or a peke-peke, which is just a motorcycle for hire. Sometimes you can see up to four people on a motorcycle at a time!

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I recently hired a ride for just 50 U.S. cents and it was quite fun. I got where I needed to go safely.
