Getting Around Almaty


In Almaty, there are several methods of transportation you can use to easily get around. Whether you prefer public or private transportation, on wheels or by foot, Almaty has reliable options for everyone.

How do people get around?:

There are various popular modes of transportation in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Many people drive, use the rideshare app Uber, flag down "gypsy cabs" or ride the bus, tram or metro. Walking is a very common way to get around, too.

Kazakh law requires everyone over the age of twelve to wear a seatbelt in cars, but they are rarely worn, especially in the backseats. In fact, many taxis and Ubers do not have working seatbelts. You might even get some weird looks or a laugh if you try to put your seatbelt on. This has been somewhat baffling to me, and even more so because the drivers in Almaty seem to drive by their own rules.

Bus fare costs 80 Tenge (~$0.25) and most bus regulars buy a tap card, called an "Оңай" (Onay). There is usually a man standing on the bus that makes sure everyone pays their fare. Uber is very convenient and inexpensive, but not always reliable. It is not uncommon for Uber drivers to cancel your ride after you have already been waiting to be picked up. Furthermore, Ubers tend to be hard to find if you are looking for a ride from the outskirts of town.
