Our News

I'll tell you more about Carnaval and the traditions soon! 

What did I read this week?:

I read part of a book about hiking in La Palma. There are so many places to explore. 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I ran in a ten kilometer race. My landlady's nephew organized the race and invited me to run. For social distancing, we started one by one, five seconds apart. After I came home, my roommates surprised me with balloons and a sign saying "Eres nuestra campeona official" ("You are our official champion"). While I was in the shower, my landlady knocked on the door and said I had five minutes to run back to the finish line. Why? I had won third place! 

Other news from this week:

Lotteries are very popular here. There are many companies, and people also sell tickets in the streets. I met a woman named Mayse who works for the Lotería (lottery) where she sells tickets and helps with advertising. She sometimes makes videos to advertise on social media. She made a video promoting the special Father's Day lottery tickets and asked me to be in it as well and translate what she said into English. 
