Getting from Point A to B in Tajikistan

But I learned from this experience that I shouldn't be scared to try, even if I think I might fail.

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Unlike in a lot of cities, the government in Dushanbe does not run a bus service. So it's natural that people get creative to find their own ways to get around.

It's expensive to own a car, and because many people in Tajikistan are poor, most of the cars are old and break down a lot. One time when we were riding in a marshrutka, the driver suddenly pulled over because the car was overheating. This happens a lot, especially when driving up into the mountains. We had to wait at the side of the road until the car cooled off enough to drive again.

Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Location Data:
POINT (68.7870384 38.5597722)
