Auf Wiedersehen!

in other countries is not always positive, and learning about cultural differences can be uncomfortable. I had to learn how to put my feelings aside, really listen to other people and respect their perspectives. Even speaking German, one of my favorite parts about being in Germany, can be super frustrating sometimes. These difficult experiences are important to me because they have helped me be more empathetic towards others. 

Going to Germany was right for me because the experience has allowed me to explore the things I was interested in. It has helped me to stay curious and try new things, like skiing, for the first time on Saturday! I’m sure you all have different interests. I hope you all have the chance to try new things and follow your passions, even if they lead you outside the United States. Getting a chance to travel can be difficult, but there are ways to make it work. You might have to do some research and find school programs, jobs and scholarships that let you go to new places.  

Thank you all for reading along over these past weeks. I really enjoyed writing to you all, and I hope you had fun, too. Here’s how you say goodbye in German—Auf Wiedersehen
