Our News

Skydiving is when you are taken up in a small plane, attached to a professional jumper with a parachute and then you jump out! I jumped out of a plane 15,000 feet above the ground. Would you ever try skydiving?

What did I read this week?:

While on my flight to New Zealand, I read a book about a society where books are outlawed and any that are found are burned. It is called Fahrenheit 451, and it is a classic book.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

This week, I did a lot of hiking. Every place that we stop has something gorgeous to see, and there's always a better view if you're willing to walk further.

Other news from this week:

This week I learned that someone I went to high school with is studying in New Zealand right now! We are going to get together when I get closer to where she is. It's crazy how small the world can seem at times. We're both over 8,000 miles from where we went to high school right now.
