Aussie (Australian) Slang

Tracky daks are sweatpants; a jumper is a sweater, a sloppy Joe is a loose-fitting, long-sleeved sweater. Knickers are undergarments and runners are sneakers or tennis shoes.

I've also learned some phrases from walking around Melbourne and hearing other people talk. I found out that there are even different slang terms for men and women. Bloke and Bruce both refer to men; Sheila refers to a woman. I also have heard someone refer to sweets or candies as lollies and McDonald's food is called Maccas

Some Australian phrases I've heard sound funny to Americans. For example, if someone says He’s got kangaroos loose in the top paddock they are describing someone who is kooky. The Aussie Salute describes when someone waves their hands around to scare flies away. If you're in the middle of nowhere you could say that you're out woop woop. Otherwise, you can also refer to the countryside as The Bush. It seems that the more time I spend in Australia, the more slang and phrases I pick up on!

Thinking about all the slang terms to learn can make you feel a bit cactus, which means broken. If you feel like you've been able to keep up with all of them, 'good on ya' or good work! I'll keep you updated on any new terms I learn! Cheers, mates!
