Recognizing Different Perspectives

There is still stress and the struggle of balancing all elements of life as a student, but students here seem to have a more optimistic attitude in general. I’ve learned so much from them and will try to follow their example of keeping a positive attitude when I return to the U.S.

These are just a few different perspectives I’ve noticed here. While it has been a lot to get used to and I’ve definitely had some embarrassing moments from not understanding cultural differences at first, it has absolutely been worth it to experiences the perspectives of a new culture. Not only seeing a different way of life but living in it and having to adjust to it makes us much more empathetic as people. Empathy, which is the ability to understand how other people are feeling, is the most important quality in humans, in my opinion, and I am proud to be better able to empathize now. Do you remember a time when you noticed a different perspective that you had to learn how to empathize with? What does empathy mean to you?
