Meet Joya! A 7th Grader of Bangkok

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

On school days, I bring lunch from home, and on the weekends it really depends; but if we’re going outside, we might occasionally go to Din Tai Fung, which is one of my favourite restaurants, or perhaps to a hawker centre. I’d say my favourite food is pasta or Indomie (Indonesian instant noodles).

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I go to an international school so we speak English, the international language, but we also get the option to learn in either French or Chinese. I say both "Hi" and "Sawat di ka".

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

In my school, there is a variety of names but the most common would probably be Alex, Sia, Lucy, Sarah and Rahul.

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

We do the basics like Literacy, Math and Language B (where we learn the language we’ve selected such as French or Chinese, or, if we are students whose first language isn’t English, we take ELS (English Learning Support--similar to ESL (English Second Language) in America. We also have UOI (Unit Of Inquiry) where we learn about random global topics. Another subject example would be HWEO (How We Express Ourselves) where, for instance, we learn about writing or music and how people use that as a tool to express themselves. In all my years of school, I have liked literacy the best.

What is your homework like?:

We typically have a math sheet, POW (Problem Of the Week), reading assignments and maybe a news article we have to write about.
