Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

I traveled to the Killarney National Park. The park is only about 2 hours from where I am staying. I went with a tour bus from my school with other students. 

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

I traveled to Killarney National Park and back, which is about four hundred miles round trip!  We took a tour bus.

How did I get around this week?:

I began to learn the public bus transportation system this week. I believe that with time, I will be able to get around pretty easily. 

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

The most interesting place I visited was the National Park. Its vast mountains and rolling countryside were so beautiful. 

Other Travel News from this week:

I had a lot of fun traveling to the ocean!  I'm looking forward to seeing more of it, and I'll take more pictures for you soon.

Time Zone: GMT Greenwich Meantime 0
Local Time: Feb 16, 2020 12:15pm