Experimenting with Bahian Food

Although I was eating Bahian food, it wasn't anything that I hadn't eaten at home in the United States. I was already familiar with chicken, beans and rice. This moqueca dish was something original.

How is the food prepared?:

The moqueca is prepared in a large terracotta pot and cooked with vegetables such as onions and peppers. Just like other Bahian dishes, you can add dendê oil to give it flavor.

Is this food connected to the local environment? How?:

Salvador is a city on a peninsula. A peninsula is a landmass surrounded by water on three sides. The local cuisine is based on seafood because the city is surrounded by water. Do you know of any cities in the U.S. that are close to water and have a culture of eating seafood?

Location Data:
POINT (-88.89653 13.794185)
