Visiting the Citi Offices in Sydney

This helps Citi employees work with their customers and other Citi offices abroad.

You may have noticed that there aren't any pictures of the trading floor in this Journal. That is because pictures are not allowed. The trading floor is a place where a lot of currency exchanges happen, usually with big companies. It's important for Citi to keep the information about those exchanges private.

It was amazing to see the trading floor while everyone was working. After Cara gave me a tour, we had coffee at the cafe on the first floor of the Citi building. We talked a lot about our career paths. She is a very accomplished person at a young age. I really appreciated the advice she gave me about growing up and finding the right career.

Cara got a part-time job at Citi when she was still in college. After she graduated from the University of New South Wales, she got an employment offer to be a full-time employee at Citi. Since then, she has worked hard to become Vice President of Foreign Exchange, which involves working with currencies like the U.S. dollar and Australian dollar on a big scale.

Since I am still in college, she told me that it's good to work hard and find what you like, but it is also good to enjoy yourself and be proud of everything you have achieved so far. I am really inspired by her success. I am even more inspired by how she views her own success. She is so kind, humble and grateful for everything in her life. I am so lucky that I got to meet her with just a few weeks left here in Australia.

Thank you Cara and Citi e for education!
