Pigeons: The Birds That Are Quite Often Everywhere

The most common pigeon is English wood pigeon which is grey and white. It is also one of the most social pigeons, hanging out where people eat and relax outside. 

How did I feel when I saw it?:

I’ve been around pigeons before, so they weren’t necessarily a surprise when I got here. However, because this has been my longest time living around pigeons, I originally felt that they get in the way. They’re usually in my walking path, and if I’m eating food outside with a friend, pigeons like to approach where I’m sitting to grab any food that falls.

I was doing some official “pigeon research” online, and BBC (the British Broadcasting Corporation) said people hate the pigeon, calling them “rats with wings” and “flying ashtrays.” Pigeons do tend to be a nuisance, so originally I wasn’t against these nicknames. 

Where does it live?:

Pigeons like to live in higher areas. In my research, I couldn’t find anything suggesting pigeons live in nests, but instead, live underneath bridges and in abandoned houses. Especially in a big city, pigeons will use surrounding buildings to find shelter.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

Pigeons eat all things. They will eat anything a person drops on the ground. It seems their “person-food” radar is incredibly strong. There’s a food market near where I live, and in the section with food trucks, there are so many pigeons hanging out. If anyone drops one morsel of food, a pigeon will eat it, and anxiously wait for the next food dropping. 
