Environment in the Alps

In addition, they have a farmers market that runs all year long, three times a week, with fresh and local produce. Most of the locals shop here rather than big grocery stores.

A French person might add that cheese is a necessity and they couldn't live without it. Luckily here in Annecy, they have some of the best cheese in France thanks to it's location next to the fresh dairy products coming from the mountians. You can buy these cheeses at the local farmers market. 

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

A challange that people in Annecy face is that it is very expensive to live here. Annecy is right next to the Swiss border, so a lot of poeple work in Switzerland but live in Annecy. The wages in Switzerland are a lot higher, which makes a lot of people want to live in France while increasing the cost of living in Annecy.

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

As I mentioned earlier, people here care deeply about their environment, and have adapted some habits to respect their environment. Many choose to ride bikes for their transportation rather than a car, while others use a cotton reusable bag for their groceries rather than plastic. Even as a student from the US, I have adapted to these habits as I have become more and more aware of the way they live here, and how helpful it is in keeping such a clean, beautiful environment in Annecy.

Annecy, France
Location Data:
POINT (6.129384 45.899247)
