Kid's Lives in Ecuador

Lastly, the third floor has the laundry room and a door to their terrace where they hang their laundry to dry in the sun.

What chores do you have at home?:

Their chores sound a lot like the chores most people have in the U.S: Cleaning their rooms, washing dishes, cleaning the computer room, doing laundry and sweeping the house.

What jobs do your parents have?:

Their mom is an English professor at PUCE-SI, the same university I work at, and their dad is also an English professor, but at the Universidad Técnica del Norte in another part of Ibarra.

What time does school start, and what time do you go home?:

They start school at 7 am and end at 1 pm. On Saturdays, they also have separate English classes not part of their normal school at PUCE-SI.

How do you get to school? Are you allowed to go to school by yourself?:

Since they attend the same school, Alex and Niko take about ten-minute taxi ride to school every morning by themselves.

Where do you eat lunch? What is your favorite food?:

Since they end school at 1 pm everyday, they usually come back home for lunch. Sometimes they eat lunch in the cafeteria at school or in a restaurant. Niko and Alex both love pizza and Alex also loves encebollado (a soup with seafood and lots of onions and other vegetables and spices) (cebolla means "onion" in Spanish).

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

They speak Spanish at school. They also use English occasionally, but normally just in their English class.
