Soccer for Solidarity

Because it is so diverse, Lavapiés is known for being a multilingual community (a community of people who speak many languages) rich with cultural street art and an incredible international menu. The neighborhood even hosts the Festival of Tapapiés, an annual festival where restaurants serve tapas from over 24 different countries and compete to see who has the best tapa of the year! Community efforts like Tapapiés are a wonderful way to attract customers to diverse family-owned businesses, and they help communities in Lavapiés embrace their cultures and thrive. Although we are all different, we can find unity through food, art, music, theater, movies or even sports! However, I learned that this particular community needs even more support to empower immigrant families and create more opportunities for social cohesion.

Why does the community have this need?:

Part of what attracts migrant communities to Lavapiés is how affordable it is, especially for working-class families. Because of discrimination, many rely on family businesses such as restaurants and shops that sell products from migrants' cultures. Due to the neighborhood's growing popularity and cultural value for tourism, gentrification has become an issue for these families, too. Gentrification, the process through which wealthier families move into a community, raises the prices for rent and everyday items, which makes it hard for immigrants to stay in their neighborhoods. In the last five years, rent has increased by 56%! Many immigrants around the world are pushed out of cities or discriminated against. However, Lavapiés has found a way to unite and form a stronger community that empowers its neighbors and enriches the lives of the people living there.
