The Flavors of Spain


Spanish culture is heavily influenced by its food. Spain has a deep relationship and appreciation for its cuisine that has developed over time. During the Spanish Civil War, there were social and economic struggles that led to larger issues such as famine. When General Franco took power as dictator, his promise to the Spanish people was peace and bread, “paz y pan”. Of course, this came with many other sacrifices, cruelty and social injustices. We can look at this history and consider how this has affected Spanish people's relationship to food, and why taking their time to indulge in tapas (small sharing plates), or a rich dinner, has become so valuable and seen as an occasion that brings people together. Here are some of the most popular dishes you will eat in Spain:

Tortilla de patata (Spanish omelet): A thick, round and warm omelet made with eggs and onion

Jamón serrano/ibérico (ham): Usually thinly sliced and served in bocadillos (sandwiches) or with cheese and olives as an appetizer

Croquetas (croquettes):  Breaded and fried bites filled with melted cheese, usually with small pieces of ham inside

Patatas bravas: Fried or baked cubed pieces of potatoes eaten with a tomato-based sauce
