Our News

What music did I listen to this week?:

There was a huge concert in the plaza next to my house this week featuring a Spanish band names Bachoqueta Rock. It was so cool to listen to their music and watch the crowd sing along. They even did a few covers of English songs sung in Spanish! 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

I got to explore the ancient undergrund ruins of the city with some of my classmates on Friday. We went underneath the streets of the city to see some of the old walls and roads from when Valencia was first discovered. We also saw pottery, plates, and tile work that helped us see how the people decorated back then.

What did I read this week?:

I am currently reading a book called Andalus. It gives a first person view point of the history of Valencia and how the people here changed over time depending on who was the King of the country and what religion he believed in. 

What games or sports did I play this week?:

Every Tuesday after class, some of my friends and I walk down to the beach and play beach volleyball together. I played volleyball back home, but never on the beach. It's so much harder to move around and jump when you're in the hot sand. Volleyball is a fun way to get to know my friends better and meet new people on other teams.

Other news from this week:

Thursday, September 20, was World Paella Day, and since Valencia is the birthplace of paella, we celebrated BIG. There were concerts all night in the plaza, people dressed up in the streets, and the biggest paella (traditional Spanish dish) I've ever seen. If you ever come to Valencia, you have to try it!
