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The food was delicious, of course, but after, we got lost trying to get back to the hotel. It was a long walk, but we found beautiful sights and photo opportunities! It was a great chance to get to know the other people on my trip while getting out to explore the city.

What did I read this week?:

On my flight, I read through a Spanish phrase book I had found at a used booksale a few years ago. This book was a good refresher of some basic Spanish. Reading it, gave me the confidence to speak the language!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

In the airport, I played a few games of cards with my friends. I love playing cards at school and I hope to find new people to play with, or new games to learn. Cards are fun anywhere!

Other news from this week:

One interesting quirk I noticed is the abundance of American stores in Barcelona's streets. I spotted Starbucks, Kentucky Fried Chickensand even a Burger King. While there are just as many truly native Catalan restaurants, these American chains are prolific and always seem to be a tourist hotspot.
