A City Called Bengaluru

This is how India is! There are 22 languages that are officially recognized by the government of India, and there are even more languages spoken in India that are not officially recognized.

Not only is India incredibly diverse, but India is also very crowded. In fact, the city of Bengaluru, where I am staying, has more people in it than all of the cities in the entire state of Arizona combined! Imagine if you lived in a much smaller house with a lot more people. This is what it is like to be in India. India is just one-third the size of the United States, but has four times the population. That means for every one person living in the United States, there are four people living in India.

Do you want to know the actual numbers? It is estimated that there are over 327,000,000 (327 million) people living in the United States and over 1,300,000,000  (1.3 billion) people living in India. Can you even imagine numbers this big? I am still trying to wrap my head around it too!

With so many people and so much diversity, India is an incredible place to learn about. Since arriving here a few weeks ago, I have already seen so many new things. I am so excited to share all my experiences with you, and I hope that sharing my stories and pictures will encourage you to learn a little more about the world around you too!

Until next time,

