Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

On Monday, I traveled about 20 kilometers (~12.5 miles) from San Joaquín to San José. Later in the week, I traveled with my friend to the University for Peace which is in Ciudad Colón. The distance between San Joaquín and Ciudad Colón is about 40 kilometers (~25 miles). 

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

So far I have taken trips to San José, Monteverde, Jacó Beach and Ciudad Colón. In total, I have traveled over 280 kilometers (over 170 miles). I have mainly only traveled through the western part of the country. 

How did I get around this week?:

I normally get around on foot, taxi or bus. This week, I walked to class and the nearby supermarket. Since the town where I live is so small, I can usually get around easily by walking. On Monday, I took a public bus to get to San José since it is a little further away. This past weekend, I used a taxi to get to the University for Peace. 

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

The most interesting place I visited this week was the nearby Walmart. I've been to Walmart many times back home, but it was a little strange to see how different it is here. For one, this Walmart has free sample stations scattered throughout the store. They offer samples for everything from yogurt to cake.
