Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

I did not travel outside of the city of Barranquilla this week because I wanted to stay in the city to celebrate Carnaval.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

I have traveled to various cities in Colombia, including Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena, and Santa Marta. Cartagena is only 84 miles from Barranquilla, so I get there by bus, and it usually takes about two hours. Santa Marta is only 65 miles away, and I can also take a two-hour bus to get there. Bogota is much farther. It is 624 miles away. I flew there for conferences in July and December. Medellin is 439 miles away, and I also had to fly there to visit.

How did I get around this week?:

For safety reasons, I always travel in Uber or through certified taxi companies called 322222222 or 386868686. It is not always safe to flag any random taxi from the street.

What was the most interesting place I visited this week?:

The most interesting place I visited this week was the neighborhood of San Felipe. It is a perfect example of a typical neighborhood in Barranquilla due to its sense of community, socio-economic status. It has small corner stores, pharmacies, cafes and parks.
