Nos Vemos Pronto, Amigos! (See You Soon, Friends!)

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Journal Entry:

This Journal marks the end of our journey together in Barcelona, Spain. While I am sad to say adios (goodbye), I also feel grateful for the last two-and-a-half months that we have shared together.

While the world is a big and diverse place, it is always fun to find the commonalities, or things you share, with another culture, country and group of people. For example, living here in Spain, I have encountered a number of differences, such as the food, language, local customs and even the sense of time. However, I have also to take note of the things people in Barcelona share with people in Portland, OR: the importance of a meal in bringing people together, the love for soccer, and an enjoyment of the outdoors. Finding these commonalities and embracing the differences has allowed me to make some great friends from around the world. These friendships are some of the things that I cherish most about traveling.

In my time spent living and traveling abroad, I think that one of the most important lessons I have learned is to be receptive and open-minded. Sometimes, this can be hard. I often have to find myself answering the same questions and listening to the same stereotypes.
