A Tropical Paradise to Call Home


Samoa is home to many different types of tropical plants and animals, and the people here depend heavily on the islands' resources to survive. For Samoans, the hot climate is valuable, as it allows tropical fruits and vegetables to thrive. The Pacific Ocean provides easy fishing, and fish are a large part of Samoans' diets and are also important economically.

What makes this environment special or different?:

The island nation of Samoa is actually a chain of a number of separate islands, the largest and most populous being Upolu and Savai'i, as well as Tutuila in American Samoa. The environment is hot and rainy, which allows animals like geckos, snakes and scorpions to thrive, as well as tropical fruits like pineapples, coconuts and taro. Samoa is also very humid, which allows different species of lizards and frogs to live comfortably.

What parts of this environment help people to live here?:

The Pacific Ocean provides the Samoans with sea cucumbers, sea worms, parrot fish, eel and mahi mahi, along with much more. People not only harvest these sea creatures for themselves but also sell them to their trade partners. Sea cucumbers in particular are regarded as a delicacy in many Asian countries.
