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In bars and coffee shops downtown, however, it is very common to hear a lot of American pop hits!

What activity was the most fun this week?:

On Sunday, I took a salsa dancing class. I am not great at dancing and I have never experienced salsa before, but I still had a lot of fun.

What did I read this week?:

This week, I had no time to read for fun, but I did read a lot about the history of the city of Mainz online! Did you know that Mainz is the home of Johannes Gutenberg? In 1439, he invented the printing press and made one of the very first printed books ever, the Gutenberg Bible!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I didn't play any sports myself but, on Saturday, I did watch a soccer game between Mainz and Berlin. In most of Europe, soccer is called football. The German word for it is Fußball (pronounced FOOS-ball). Football is so popular here, some might say it is the offical sport of Germany!

Other news from this week:

I found it difficult to explain where I live to other Germans since the United States is so big and most of them have no idea where the Midwest is! Many Germans, if they have ever visited the States, have been to New York City. It is easiest to tell them that I live 12 hours east of New York.
