Communities and the Government of Argentina

It's a very beautiful palace! The vice president is in charge of the legislative branch which includes a senate and chamber of deputies. A chamber of deputies is one deputy from each province. The senators are from 72 different districts. 

There is going to be a presidential election while I am here in October, so I look forward to learning more about the government here and being able to see that election take place!

Some of the most interesting facts about Argentina's government that I've learned:

  • healthcare is free and locals receive very good services at local clinics
  • education is lawfully mandated to be free, inclusive, equitable and fair (even university...Es Gratis! (It's Free!))
What community need did I learn about?:

A community need that I learned Argentina values is the access and learning of foreign languages. And awesomely enough, that's why I'm here in Argentina, to help with that!

Why does the community have this need?:

Argentina values the learning of foreign language, especially English. They view learning English as a useful function due to possibilities for relations and business with foreign countries, tourism and language education. There are other benefits of learning English such as the learning of culture through the learning of language. 

Is this need being met? How?:

It is! In 2006, Argentina passed an education law that requires English to be taught in all primary to secondary schools.

I am here in Argentina serving as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA), a program through the Ministry of Education.
