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The book is called The Annihilation of Caste, and it is about the caste system that existed in India for many years. The caste system was a complicated system that divided people in India into different groups. Some groups were considered higher than others based on their caste, while other groups were considered lower and were treated very poorly as a result. No person born into a lower caste could become part of a higher caste.

Ambedkar came from a caste in Indian society that was considered to be very low, but he still managed to become highly educated and learn about the world around him. He used his education to help fight for the rights of other people like himself who were born into low castes. This is what his book The Annihiliation of Caste is all about!

What games or sports did I play this week?:

I did not play any games or sports this week, but I did get a chance to play piano, which is one of my favorite activities.

Other news from this week:

There were some horses at the beach in Puducherry, so I was able to go horseback riding for a few minutes!
