Auf Wiedersehen (Until We Meet Again)

The only way I was able to experience some of these things was to step outside of my comfort zone, where everything is planned well in advance, and to say yes to opportunities when they arise. While it is scary to step outside of your comfort zone and take risks, I have found that’s where the most exciting learning and personal growth takes place. So, make mistakes, fumble your way through German grammar, laugh at yourself just a little bit and, who knows, as you take those little steps outside of your comfort zone, they may just take you to another country where you eat a grocery store sandwich while staring at a famous landmark or a centuries-old castle.

I am still in awe of the blessing it is to be living and working in Germany. Some days when it’s cold and I’m walking to my tram, grumpy about the early morning start for school, I pause to look around and be grateful for what I have-- even the cold, grey mornings. I have found that joy can be experienced wherever you are, whether that is Dresden or Spokane; life has so much to offer you and the little moments are what make it amazing.

If anything, I hope I can encourage you to believe in yourself, take chances and not give up on your goals. Consider studying abroad and other opportunities that will push you outside of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and ask difficult questions. I do not want to say goodbye, but instead, I will wish you Auf Wiedersehen (Literally: until we see each other again) with the hopes that our paths will cross sometime in the future.
