The Grape Harvest Festival in Montmartre

Thanksgiving traditional foods include things like turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, gravy and pumpkin pie. In France the traditional fall foods are salamis and roasted meats, lots of cheeses, roasted chestnuts, nougat and, of course, wine (for adults). In case you don’t know, nougat is this really yummy dessert made with honey and nuts. I got to try some and I think it is my new favorite dessert. Yum! Or as the French would say, “Miam!

Why does the community have this tradition?:

France is very famous for its wines, which are made from grapes. Each town in France has its own traditions for celebrating the coming of wine-making season, but Paris’ tradition of the Fête is the best known.

Paris grows grapes in its own vineyard, called Clos Montmartre. It is tucked right there in the middle of the city. Clos Montmartre is what is celebrated during the Fête des Vendanges in Paris because it is the community of Paris’ own vineyard. I feel like a lot of people don’t know this and instead think that the grapes are coming from the countryside. But those who do know this have a lot of pride in having wine made from grapes grown in this city. I really wish I could have gotten to see Clos Montmartre myself, but I didn’t get a chance because there was so much going on at the Fête.

Is this tradition connected to its environment? How?:

This tradition is very much connected to the environment in Paris because it celebrates the changing seasons. The grapes grown at Clos Montmartre always ripen around late September, when the sunshine, rain, and temperature are all just right.
