Embracing a New University

Since Dartmouth is a small school, it can be easy to hang out with the same friends, eat the same types of meals and stick to the same routine every week. While it’s comforting to stick to what you know, it’s important to try new things every once in a while. The University of Edinburgh is giving me the perfect place to explore. I’ve met so many new people from all over the world, and I love getting to know them and hearing their stories. I met one girl from Tokyo during Welcome Week (a week for new students to learn more about the university and meet new people) and she told me all about why she chose to attend college in Scotland rather than Japan. The University of Edinburgh has a huge international student population, and there is a club (also sometimes called a society) for international students to go on weekend trips and explore Scotland together. Last weekend, I visited the Isle of Skye with the society, and I loved exploring the island with new friends.

The most important lesson I’ve learned from studying abroad is to be patient with myself. It can be hard to go to a school across the ocean without any of my friends and family from home here with me. Luckily, I’m never too homesick. Studying abroad has taught me how much I still have to learn from different cultures and new people, so I’m always busy exploring Scotland and making new friends. And when I do start missing home a little extra, my loved ones are only a FaceTime call or a text away. I only get to be in Scotland for a few months, and I want to make the most of my time here! Have you ever been away from home? How do you deal with homesickness?
