Meet My Friend Kate!

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

Usually I go home (often with my nanny, as my parents work full-time) and she helps me with homework. She also lets me watch T.V. (I love watching Cartoon Network, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon). I also skateboard, jump on the trampoline, and explore parts of the house or create forts. My favorite sports are hockey, netball, cricket and touch rubgy. I play just about every sport. I also love playing games like cops and robbers, or bull-rush.

Who is your favorite famous person?:

My favorite famous person is Nelly Furtado (my first ever album and idol!) I also love Rhianna.

What kinds of music do you listen to?:

I listen to hip-hop and R&B, as I love hip-hop dancing.

What would you like to be when you grow up?:

I want to be rich and successful with a fit husband and a great family.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?:

I would go to Paris because of the movies and the art culture.

What do you know or think about the United States?:

Americans love football and baseball. I know Americans have extremely large serving sizes of food, and I dream of being able to order at waffle houses, as those foods are not so common in New Zealand.

What questions do you have for kids in the United States?:

What is it like going to school in the U.S? What do you do at lunch? What do you know about New Zealand?

Wellington, New Zealand
