Up Up and Away!

Masunga, Botswana
-20.666667000000, 27.416667000000
Journal Entry:

Being a Peace Corps volunteer is a big commitment! I started my journey with the Peace Corps in December 2022 when I began my application. I worked on my application essay until I felt it was perfect. Then, I submitted my application in January 2023, and I waited to hear back! One morning in February, I woke up early to a DING on my phone. I looked at my email notification. And I had been selected for an interview!

I was offered a position as a Clinic and Health Team volunteer in Botswana. I was given three days to accept or decline the offer. I was so excited that I accepted the offer in less than one day! Next, I had to get medical clearance. Basically that means a doctor had to check that I was healthy enough to live abroad for over two years. Thankfully, I was given the ‘all clear!’ I spent the rest of the summer working and spending time with my family and friends. At the end of August 2023, I said goodbye to my family! My mom, stepdad and sister came with me to the airport. Then I got on an airplane, and flew to Washington, D.C.!

In Washington, D.C., I met with all the other Peace Corps trainees (someone who is learning about their new job) who were going to Botswana. As a group, we flew from D.C. to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – it took about 14 hours! Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia.
