Hello from Jane in Morocco!

A study abroad program for high school students offered me the opportunity to live in Istanbul, Turkey for a year. I lived with host families, went to a Turkish high school and learned how to speak Turkish! My love for traveling, learning languages and experiencing new cultures grew out of my experience in Turkey. From then on, I decided to travel and learn as much as I could! 

During college, I studied the Arabic language. I traveled to Amman, Jordan, to study more Arabic in a country where the primary language is Arabic. I think the easiest way to learn a language is to travel to a place where the language is spoken and practice with local people. It's very challenging to live in a place where you don't speak the language very well, but people are friendly and eager to help you. I met many wonderful Jordanians who helped me learn Arabic and in turn, became my friends.

After learning both Turkish and Arabic from my experiences in Turkey and Jordan, I decided that it was time to give back and help other people learn English! After learning Turkish and Arabic from many great teachers, I decided it was time to use my skills as a native English speaker and help students who wanted to learn English. This is what led me to become a teacher in Morocco!

I chose to come to Morocco because I wanted to explore a new place. I first came to Morocco in the summer of 2017, but I was in a small town and did not get to see very much of the country. I applied for a program called “Fulbright,” which brings recent graduates like me to foreign countries to teach English. Fulbright teachers live in foreign countries and teach English for ten months. I applied and was accepted! Now, I have been living and teaching in Rabat, Morocco for six months!
