Farewell, Canada!

Not if you think you did good, but if it made you feel good. I often see high achieving students begin to conflate good performance with a good semester, but the farther you progress in your career— or life— the more it becomes important to living up to your own expectations. Grades are important right now, but what did that "A" in AP Research mean? What did you accomplish? Are you happy with that accomplishment?

I have done this same line of questioning countless times. It helps me to both push myself and let myself relax; sometimes, you truly have done enough. As you reflect on your first semester of AP Research, I would just like to say it has been a pleasure connecting with all of you. I can tell that many of you are passionate about your projects and actively putting in work to see your projects come to fruition. I am so excited to see what comes of them next semester, and I hope you are, too.

If you work with purpose, find moments of true rest, and give credence to both your failures and accomplishments, I am sure you will succeed! As always, enjoy this wintry week, and it was great to meet all of you! See you around!
